Sunday, July 5, 2009

Why and How to import Wordpress blog into Google's Blogger?

Why migrate from to Blogger?

Wordpress is an amazing blogging framework that enables you to do a lot ... speaking of as a framework that you would install and host somewhere and be free to manipulate it, install plugins and addons and map your domain to your hosted blog, is a yet another story ... here are the shortcomings:

No free domain mapping

I was shocked after setting up my blog to know that won't allow me to map my domain unless I purchase wordpress credit points, read the details here

No Plugins

You can't install any plugins or widgets unless from the collection, which is fairly good, they even have a cool widget for Twitter, still you feel bounded. They make a clear distinction between the power and flexibility of the wordpress framework, that you get by privately hosting software and having a blog on, read more about that here

Can not monetize

Like any other blogger I hoped to get some minor cash from the adSense and the like plugins, usually the cash is trivial but it pays for your domain costs at least. doesn't allow any kind of ads that are linked to your account. That is fine for me, to have an Ad-Free blog is cool, but there is no guarantee that wordpress won't swamp my blog with Ads for their own profit at any point of time, and what is in it for me?, read more here


How to import your existing blog entries into Blogger?

For the above reasons, and the belief that Blogger blogs would have better google ratings, because I'm sure that google crawlers are not 100% fair and square indexing external content and there must be some favouritism to google platforms :) ... (I know it sounds like conspiracy theory but I think it is true) I decided to migrate my blog from to Blogger ... only to realize that however guys are smart enough to allow auto import from Blogger to wordpress, the reverse is not supported by Blogger ... too bad Google, you should have known better ...

After few hours in search and weighing the options, being extremely reluctant to do that migration manually, I found more that one tool ... one Java Swing desktop tool that doesn't work, I landed on this online app that does the conversion from the xml files you export from to the format that blogger can import, that neat app can be found here ... my first attempt was a failure, it did convert the xml files to "something" but Blogger refused to import that, with an error, it could have been blogger's problem or the tool's problem, we can't be sure.

My second attempt was a success, I was thrilled to see all my blog posts and comments, even the draft entries listed there in the import wizard for blogger. I selected all non-draft and hit "Publish" ... but that failed again. Now I think Blogger was the one to blame in the initial failure

Here is what you can do about it, select and publish your entries one by one, works like a charm. The entry is even published with its original date, same applies for comments ... after a few minutes and 34 clicks I had my blog up in Blogger restored in the exact state ... Me Happy

From this point on I'll be mainly posting to my Blogger blog, mapped to my domain ... I admit that blogger's styles and templates looks a bit 90's to me but don't forget that you have the chance to manually edit the style sheets and import your own templates, which is great


  1. My god, S.Y,

    I think you've just saved me about a weekend's cutting and pasting, - I'm making the odd move from WP to blogger

    The NEAT APP you link to seems to have worked perfectly, first time - I left the 'publish posts' box unchecked - maybe that helped avoid problems.

    Either way - THANKS THANKS THANKS - awesome post.

  2. Thanks for the help. I have been struggling to move my WP blog to Blogger.

    I love the WP interface, but I got miffed when they told me I had to pay three separate fees for each (language) version of my blog to subdomains within my main domain.

  3. I'm pretty glad found your post, and without these tips, I could hardly
    import messages into the Blogger without problems. I had to change the adaptive theme for WordPress several times because the customer couldn`t decide on the structure of the website.
    Eventually, I already added the Blogger field and loaded
    the plug-in for Google Maps with a clear interface, in case this site would be controlled by someone without understanding the IT field. Guess what? I had to reconfigure everything twice after that! Not an easy job ...

  4. Your best bet is to start at to learn the Dashboard and how WordPress works. The start up is free and you can then decide if you want to blog or host your own website.

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